7 tips that can help you reduce Jet lag

Jet lag is a temporary sleep disorder that affects people travelling from one time zone to another. This change throws off your body’s internal clock making it hard to fall asleep. Though it’s temporary, jet lag can make your trip nightmarish due to a lack of sleep for prolonged periods. It takes approximately one day to adjust to the new time zones but it becomes harder to change the older you get.

Here are some effective ways you can reduce jet lag.

Start to shift before the trip

You can help your body’s clock to adjust to the new time zone by starting to shift your schedule before the trip. A few days before your trip, try to adjust your eating and sleeping schedules by 30 minutes depending on the new time zone. For instance, if your destination’s time zone is ahead, try to stay up by 30 minutes. These adjustments will help your body and mind adjust easily to the time changes and lower your chances of experiencing jet lag.

Get Daylight Exposure

Jet lag affects you mainly because of your exposure to light changes. However, you can counter this by going outside in the sunshine. You might not be able to function at your normal pace when you feel jet lag but staying in bed all day doesn’t help and only prolongs your sluggishness. The sooner you adjust to your new time zone the better.

Stay well hydrated

It’s easy to become dehydrated when flying due to the atmospheric changes. At the same time, many people forget to drink water consistently while travelling. Coffee and alcoholic beverages also contribute to dehydration yet they’re the preferred drink on planes. Next time you go on a flight, make sure you drink lots of water before, during and after the flight. This will reduce the symptoms of jet lag such as fatigue and headache.

Stay active during the flight

Sitting down for prolonged periods can lead to muscle stiffness and joint aches which can affect your quality of sleep. While on the flight, make sure you walk around and stretch regularly. If you can get up frequently, try to do simple exercises in your chair. This keeps the blood flowing, prevents muscle stiffness and makes you feel less fatigued on arrival.

Carry helpful accessories

Don’t underestimate the power of a sleep mask and noise-cancelling headphones, especially when trying to sleep on a plane. These accessories are also helpful in decreasing distractions when sleeping in a new place. The most helpful accessories include a neck pillow, room spray, and sleep app. Some people go as far as to carry their own set of sheets especially if you’re a sensitive sleeper. The aim is to carry anything that will help you sleep better.

Don’t overschedule your first days

The more you run on low energy, the worse your jet lag becomes. It’s important to give your body some time to adjust to the new time zone and recover from the fatigue. Therefore, the first days of your trip should be reserved for light activities. Try to schedule your day while considering that you might not be feeling well. It’s best to stay within the hotel or your accommodation on the first day just in case you feel unwell.

Exercise After Arrival

One of the best ways to tire yourself and get a good night’s rest is to exercise. Exercising not only tires you out but also it’s a good stress reliever. You can walk around the hotel for a few minutes. If you arrive during the day, try to work out outside to receive daylight exposure. This will also help you avoid napping during the day which can affect your sleep during the night.