5 types of people that you need in your circle

Every year, Forbes releases a list of people who have made commendable contributions to their communities or professions and the question we all have is how do they do it? They have the same 24 hours a day just like the rest of us, right? Indeed, they have the same hours of the day like everybody else. However, there are some things that such people have in common. Author Gabriel Conte once said, “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” One of the key ingredients to success is to surround yourself with the right people. Many successful people often pay close attention to the people they surround themselves with.

Here are some people who you should have in your network for success.

The Plug

In the professional world, this person is known as the connector. They have access to the who is who in the industry and can introduce you to the right people. This is crucial for your success since you need to make the right connections to move closer to your goals. Additionally, there’s no better way to make a name for yourself than by word of mouth. Make sure you leave a lasting impression on such people so that they will not only keep in contact with you but also mention you to other influential people.

The Re-energizer

This is your personal cheerleader, and they push you to keep going especially on those days when you feel like you’re not headed in the right direction. They might not give you career advice but they’ll give you some words of encouragement which at times, is all you need. Such people don’t come by too often so if you have one you should keep them on your speed dial and show them how much you appreciate them.

The Mentor

Whether you’re in business or a career, you absolutely need a mentor. This is someone who has been where you are now and has more experience in the field. Therefore, they can help you avoid making the same mistakes they did and offer you guidance in your field. A mentor can be a friend, family member or colleague. However, it’s important to maintain a professional relationship with your mentor. You can also have several mentors so that you get different opinions from different perspectives.

The Best Friend

On your way to the top, you need your day one friends to keep you grounded. Unlike the re-energizer, the best friend isn’t there to hype you up. In fact, they’re there for the opposite. They are there to call you out when you’re making wrong decisions or straying from your goals. However, they don’t have to be work-related. They can simply be there to celebrate your wins and console you in the event of a setback.

The Sidekick

Interestingly, most of the successful companies we know today were established as a partnership and even after their success, companies such as Louis Vuitton continue to collaborate with others. A sidekick not only shares the same vision as you do but also they have skills that you can tap from. You can bounce ideas off of them and receive valuable feedback. Having such a person in your life can go a long way in your journey to success.