Moringa School partners with Entaisere é Kenya to graduate first cohort of Morans in Software Engineering

Moringa School has partnered with Entaisere é Kenya to graduate the first cohort of Maasai Morans in Software Engineering. Entaisere é Kenya is an educating program run by the Memusi Hope Foundation.

Entaisere é Kenya aims at equipping young men and women from various wards within Kajiado Central Constituency with software development skills and possible placement in employment.

The partnership between Memusi Hope Foundation and Moringa School which began in August 2022, aims to equip individuals living in the remote parts of Kenya with tech skills, specifically Software Engineering skills. The target was to Graduate 34 students, however they managed to graduate 21 students in software development including coding.

During the 5-week program, Moringa School was in charge of:

i. Covering the five-week program tuition fee.
ii. Provide technical expertise and laptops for all the students.
iii. Provide transport stipend for all the students during the training period.
iv. Organize for a Technical Mentor Apprentice/Graduate Volunteer to support students in person twice, a week.

Other partners include Huawei Technologies Kenya, Ostatech Limited and SANTOS OKOTTA (Grant Consultant) and Kenya National Information Centre (KENIC). In addition, the partners will also be expected to work towards at least 80% job placement of the graduates with The Memusi Hope Foundation taking lead on this.