KCB has signed up to the African Business Leaders Coalition in a bid to bolster climate change

KCB Group Plc has signed up to the African Business Leaders’ Coalition (ABLC), in a bid to bolster actions in addressing the climate change crisis.

The ABLC is a member-driven, action-oriented coalition, which will collaborate with all relevant parties while remaining strictly independent from any political affiliation or agenda.

The coalition, convened under the UN Global Compact brings together companies across Africa to help drive more initiatives on addressing pressing sustainability issues such as human rights, labour, environment, and anti-Corruption on the Continent ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 27) gathering in Egypt next month.

Part of the commitments include taking key actions to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, supporting Africa’s just transition towards a 1.5°C future to build a thriving continent rooted in a resilient, green, and competitive economy with opportunities for the youth and future generations.

The push also includes creating an enabling environment that facilitates increased access to finance and ensures that African businesses can leverage global markets to accelerate the transition to a future fit economy.

The Coalition also wants the private sector to set and report on credible emission reduction targets in support of the global Race to Zero.

This is the latest in a series of global initiatives which KCB is a signatory to among them the UNEP FI 6 Principles of Responsible Banking, Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), UN Global Compact, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs).

KCB Group upholds the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles of which the group is a signatory, which are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, (SDGs). The Group has committed to establish strategic partnerships that will help address current climate change challenges.

KCB Group CEO Paul Russo, had this to say, “We are now at a point where even critics have given up denying the reality about climate change. Storms, droughts, and rising sea levels are bleak signs of what we are facing. Today, several parts of world have become uninhabitable because of climate change. That’s why we must all act by individually and collectively pushing for a greener economy,” said  while signing the commitment during the launch of Safaricom’s 2022 Sustainability Report. Safaricom is part of the Coalition. KCB is taking the lead role to streamline sustainable finance for climate mitigation and adaptation in the region of operation. This a good time to take stock of what we have done, with a view to building on the past and paving the way for future ambition to effectively tackle climate change. To this result, KCB is making deliberate steps in the area of climate action.”

In 2008, KCB embraced sustainability as a business imperative and concern, and this was anchored under four main pillars: financial, economic, social, and environmental stability. Over the years, KCB remains firmly committed to integrating sustainability practices and Environmental & Social Governance (ESG) principles across its markets, policies, procedures, and culture. Annually, they publish a sustainability report that evaluates sustainability commitments, including monitoring green lending and energy consumption.

As part of KCB sustainable finance initiatives, in 2020, KCB was accredited by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) within the medium to large category band to advance climate finance to strengthen climate action. KCB will be able to fund projects between US$50 Million and US$250 Million under GCF, once all modalities are worked out.

The Bank is also rejigging loan portfolio to align with sustainable development, with an ambition to have 25% of the loan portfolio dedicated to green projects, a build up from the current 8.4%.

Last week, KCB unveiled its latest Sustainability Report which showed that the Bank screened loans worth KShs. 336 billion for social and environmental risks while increasing its green portfolio in the past two years, bolstering its push for sustainable finance.

The Bank has also significantly cut its carbon footprint by 11.25% in its premises across the six countries it operates in, on a deliberate push to reduce carbon emissions from its operations. KCB resource consumption was down by 17%, on the back of a deliberate cut in the use of fuel, water, electricity, and paper. The Group monitors usage of the above resources on daily basis.