Jumia Kenya has appointed Juan Seco as CEO following the exit of Betty Mwangi

Jumia Kenya has appointed Juan Seco as its Chief Executive Officer, this follows the exit of Betty Mwangi who has left after only 9 months in office.

Juan Seco  has been with Jumia Kenya since 2015, when he joined as Chief Financial Officer. In 2017, he became part of the founding team of JumiaPay, as Chief Operating Officer overseeing the expansion and deployment of JumiaPay across Jumia markets. In 2019, he was named Senior Vice President of Consumer Financial Services leading fintech initiatives and the JumiaPay App, which is now available in eight countries.

Jumia in a statement indicated that Betty is leaving to pursue ”another big impact opportunity that has presented itself.

Betty was appointed Jumia Kenya CEO in November last year, taking over from former CEO Sam Chappatte who had been at the company since 2016.

During her appointment, Jumia said Betty will focus on accelerating corporate growth as the company continues to expand its already strong position as the number one shopping online platform.