6 accessories that you need for phone photography Faith Wambui·May 10, 2023Nowadays, with the improvement in the quality of phone cameras, everyone has become a Bonafide photographer/videographer. There are...Lifestyle
5 types of people that you need in your circle Faith Wambui·May 8, 2023Every year, Forbes releases a list of people who have made commendable contributions to their communities or professions...Lifestyle
Stand a chance to win $23,000 in the Oppo IF Photography Awards 2023 Staff Writer·May 5, 2023OPPO has launched the imagine IF Photography Awards 2023 where participants stand to win various awards including cash...Lifestyle
Tips on how to protect your phone in case it is stolen Cynthia Kamau·May 4, 2023Nowadays, we have become so used to our phones such that it feels as if we can’t live...GadgetsLifestyle
Tips on how to create an effective budget Cynthia Kamau·April 19, 2023Given the tough economic times that we are living in, budgeting has become an essential part of managing...Lifestyle
Tips on how to get out of debt Cynthia Kamau·April 18, 2023Debt can be termed as an amount of money that is owed to a person or company. At...Lifestyle
6 exercises that you can do at home without weights Cynthia Kamau·April 4, 2023We all want to exercise and stay fit but at times, our hectic lifestyles have meant that we...Lifestyle
Countries that a Kenyan can travel to visa free or get a visa on arrival Cynthia Kamau·March 30, 2023If you love travelling, then I have good news for you, your Kenyan passport can allow you to...Lifestyle
How to invest in Treasury Bill and Bonds Cynthia Kamau·March 29, 2023In order to be able to create wealth and stay wealthy, it is important for one to be...Lifestyle
8 tips on how you can be able to travel on a budget Cynthia Kamau·March 24, 2023Being able to travel and see the world has always been something that a majority of us aspire...Lifestyle