WhatsApp to enable you exit a group without notifying members

We have all been in situations where we have found ourselves in a group either without our permission or no longer share the same ideals with other group members. At times, exiting from such groups is not an easy task as other members might not take it too kindly.

However, after years of people asking for it, WhatsApp will finally allow users to leave groups privately without sending out a mass notification. Group admins will still get notified, but generally this change should make moving through groups on the app  less awkward. This change will  roll out to both the desktop and mobile version of the app.

Other changes made on the app include, introducing an option for users to privately use the app without being visibly online, something it calls “online presence control.” The feature, which rolls out to everyone this month, will let WhatsApp users curate which contacts can see their online status while hiding it from others. The list of contacts who can view your online status doesn’t have a cap and you can swap people in and out at any time. The company says that the update will come to both its desktop and mobile app offerings.

The company is also testing screenshot blocking for “view once” messages, which disappear after being opened a single time. WhatsApp introduced a disappearing media option a year ago, reminding users at the time that they wouldn’t be able to know if the recipient was saving any shared photos and videos as screenshots.

Lastly, the app will now allow you to delete a message for up to two days and 12 hours (60 hours in total), so you can remove an accidentally sent chat even after hours. Previously, this limit was 1 hour, 8 minutes, and 16 seconds.