20X Entrepreneur

20X Entrepreneur initiative to train artisans in Meru County

20X Entrepreneur has taken its initiative, ‘Chanuka, Jipange na Opportunities’ to Meru County to address the high rate of unemployment in the county.

They are doing this through training and empowering local artisans, SMEs, and entrepreneurs in Kenya’s Jua Kali sector with job opportunities.  This is in line with 20X Entrepreneur’s goal to bridge the gap between Kenya’s informal sector and the government’s Affordable Housing Program.

With approximately 279 affordable housing units set to be constructed in Timau Town, North Imenti Constituency, Meru County is best positioned for this training opportunity as it will ensure that local contractors, suppliers and artisans get to be connected with this opportunity amongst many more other government-supported projects that will run within the county.

The initiative seeks to diversify Meru from just being an agricultural hub to a county that offers diversified employment opportunities to students and graduates of tertiary courses from the neighbouring higher learning institutions.

Eunice Maina, CEO 20X Entrepreneurs, speaking at the event stated that Meru ranks amongst the top most populated counties in Kenya. “This county holds such great potential for turning-around the Kenyan economy, not only does Meru have the backing of man-power but it is filled with raw and valuable resources that are not yet tapped into. 20X Entrepreneur is here to help you see these resources and opportunities, and guide you on how to grow yourself within the informal sector.”

In partnership with Bingwa.ke, a digital platform connecting artisans and retailers with job opportunities, and The Federation of Jua Kali Associations and United Manpower, a recruitment company certified by the National Employment Authority (NEA), the Chanuka, Jipange na Opportunities transformative initiative attracted over 400 attendees to the training and empowerment event.

After successful editions in Embu, Nakuru, Machakos, Kwale, Homabay, Nyeri and Uasin Gichu-Eldoret, the “Chanuka, Jipange na Opportunities” program now focuses on Meru and transforming lives through collaborations and economic empowerment.  Workers in the informal sector will receive hands-on training in technology, financial literacy and marketing strategies, providing them with the tools they need to create sustainable businesses.

We urge and call upon the government, policy makers, financial institutions and training institutions to come together through collaboration to change the unemployment narrative in Meru. These Affordable Housing Initiatives not only provide the best platform for transforming the lives of the citizens of Meru but also of the local workers who work on these projects.” Eunice Maina added.