Natural remedies

Natural remedies for common ailments in Kenya

Accessing quality healthcare in Kenya can be challenging and costly, making it crucial to take care of your health. You may not be able to avoid falling sick, but you can fortify your immunity and relieve common ailments using natural remedies. From the common cold to arthritis, the answer to some of the common health problems we experience is in your kitchen.

Food products such as ginger, mint and bananas are rich in nutrients that help to keep diseases at bay. Adding them to your diet can make your immunity stronger. They can also be used as home remedies when experiencing certain ailments.

Here are some home remedies that you can use to treat some common health problems.

Chicken soup

Generally, most soups are healthy but there’s none that compares to the benefits that chicken soup offers. Chicken soup is one of the most popular home remedies for flus and colds. It contains essential amino acids that play a vital role in maintaining lung health. It helps chest decongestion and faster healing. It also helps the body produce sera Tobin which helps in a good night’s sleep.

Make the broth by boiling the chicken until the meat is falling off the bones. Add salt to taste.


Whether you’re dealing with dry, itchy skin, sunburns or insect bites, oatmeal can offer quick relief for your ailment. It’s packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammation properties that soothe the skin and restore the skin barrier.

To use, take a tablespoon of finely ground oatmeal. Mix in a glass of warm water until it forms a milky mixture. Apply to the affected area and leave it for about 10 minutes then rinse with warm water.


Coughs and sore throats are some of the most common ailments in Kenya. If you’re prone to them, you should add honey to your diet. Studies have found that this sweet liquid contains anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that can effectively reduce coughing. It’s also safe for children above 1 year so you can use this remedy on your little ones as well.

Take ½ or 1 teaspoon of honey and mix with warm water. You can add other ingredients like lemon, ginger or cinnamon that also fight coughs.


Mint can treat a variety of ailments including digestive issues, menstrual pain, depression, vision and sinus infection. It’s a potent source of antioxidants that help protect your body from oxidative stress and boost your overall health. You can rip its benefits by chewing the leaves, brewing it or inhaling its aroma.

Place a pot of water over medium heat and bring it to a boil. Put 2-3 mint leaves in the boiling water and wait for 1-2 minutes. Pour the mint water into a cup. Add honey to taste.


Joint aches are a common thing when you age. Your body no longer produces enough joint fluid which acts as lubricant. This reduction makes the joints less flexible causing pain and inflammation. Turmeric can help alleviate the pain and discomfort thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

You can incorporate turmeric in your food by adding it to soups, stews and smoothies. Use it together with black pepper to enjoy its maximum benefits.


Someone has probably recommended drinking water when you have a headache. Water can be one of the best remedies for headaches. This is because when the body doesn’t get enough water, it becomes dehydrated which causes headaches. Research also suggests that some people are more prone to headaches due to dehydration than others. If you are, it’s best to keep a bottle of water close to you.


Lemons are a must have in your kitchen if you value your health. This versatile fruit is a rich source of Vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant. This helps protect cells from damage. It can prevent a number of common ailments including colds, indigestion and infections.

Slice a lemon in half. Squeeze the juice into a glass of water. Drink the mixture every morning.


This herb doesn’t just add flavour to your food but also improves your health. Cognitive disorders are on the rise due to poor lifestyle and diet choices. Rosemary is said to improve your brain function and reduce chances of suffering from certain mental illnesses such as dementia.

You either add it to food or brew it with your tea.


High blood pressure is another lifestyle disease that is affecting many Kenyans. It’s necessary to know some home remedies that can help in managing the disease to avoid causing more damage to your organs. Celery is one of the best foods that helps manage high blood pressure. It relaxes the tissues of the artery walls which increases blood flow and reduces blood pressure.


If a visit to the dentist sounds like a luxury, then you need to use garlic to prevent that expensive trip. Garlic is a common ingredient in oral hygiene products such as toothpaste and chewing gum. This is because it contains antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory products that fight cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth.

Peel a garlic clove. Crash it into a paste and apply on the affected tooth.