How to apply for KPLC electricity connection online

There are few things that bring joy more than reaching the final stages of constructing a building. Finally, you can breathe a sigh of relief that the worst is over and you can enjoy the fruits of your hard work. Just as you’re celebrating, you remember that you haven’t applied for a KPLC electricity connection. How will you enjoy your new building without electricity? Well, there’s no reason to panic.

The good news is that you can complete the application online. Unlike the past when you had to go to the KPLC offices and wait in line the whole day, the process is fast, simple and most importantly convenient nowadays. You can apply for an electricity connection online. In fact, KPLC encourages its customers to use this method.

Here’s a guide on how you can apply for electricity connection online in Kenya.

Requirements to apply for electricity connection online

For homes

  • Soft copy of National Identification Card or Passport for Non-Kenyans
  • Soft copy of route sketch leading to premises where electricity connection is required
  • Soft copy of KRA PIN Certificate
  • Soft copy of title deed and land search documents
  • Signed Wiring Certificates
  • Signed Supply Contract form
  • Consent from owner of the promises where applicable

For businesses/ corporates

  • Soft copy of Certificate of Registration
  • Soft copy of route sketch leading to premises where electricity connection is required
  • Copy of KRA PIN Certificate
  • Scaled site plan for Industries, Housing Estates, shopping malls etc.
  • Signed Wiring Certificates
  • Signed Supply Contract form
  • Consent from the owner of the property

Process to apply for electricity connection online

  • Visit the KPLC self service portal and select New Supply Application then select Apply Online
  • Select Individual or Business then enter your information and click Continue
  • Enter details of the location where electricity connection is required such as plot number and coordinates
  • Scroll down to choose your connection type and the number of meters required for the premises then click Continue
  • In the next section, attach all the required documents for authentication then accept the terms and conditions and click Submit
  • You will receive a message from KPLC with a reference number for tracking
  • Once the application is approved, you will receive an email with the details of their personnel’s visit
  • You will then receive a quotation and timeline based on your specifications. The quotation timelines are as follows:
  • Once KPLC obtains permission to lay electricity lines, construction will begin.

The timeline for construction is as follows:

  • Requiring a meter only – 3 days
  • Requiring low voltage extension (Single phase up to 8 kVa) – 14 days
  • Requiring low voltage extension (3 phase above 8 kVa) – 14 days
  • Requiring medium voltage extension and/or trans­former – 28 days
  • Requiring connection at high voltage – period agreed with the customer

Payment is made through the following methods:

  • Electronic funds transfer (RTGS) to KPLC Bank Account No. 0104074121608
  • Mobile money (Pay bill number 888899, Account No: application reference No.)
  • Cheque to KPLC (Quote your application reference number and contact number overleaf of the cheque)
  • Cash payment at KPLC Payment office

It is important to note that quotations are only valid for 90 days and the customer is required to pay within that period or request new quotations once the period elapses.