Kazi Mtaani

How to register for Kazi Mtaani

Unemployment is at an all time high not only in the country but in the whole world. Job opportunities are hard to come by and even harder for those who don’t have qualifications. Therefore, programs like Kazi Mtaani give people from disadvantaged backgrounds who don’t have access to job opportunities a chance to learn skills needed in the workforce and provide them with a source of income.

Kazi Mtaani, also referred to as the National Hygiene Program, was introduced by the government during the COVID-19 pandemic. It targeted youths from informal settlements and it employed tens of thousands of youths from these communities. The program’s objectives are to increase employment using labour-intensive approaches, give precedence to locally produced goods and services, and improve society.

Currently, the only counties that can participate in the program are 

Mombasa Nyandarua
Kwale Nyeri
Kilifi Kirinyaga
Tana River Murang’a
Lamu Kiambu 
Taita Mak Taveta Turkana
Garissa West Pokot
Wajir Samburu
Mandera Trans-Nzoia
Marsabit Uasin Gishu
Isiolo Elgeyo-Marakwet
Meru Nandi
Tharaka-Nithi Baringo
Embu Laikipia
Kitui Nakuru
Machakos Makueni
Kericho Narok
Bomet Kajiado
Kakamega Homa Bay
Vihiga Migori
Bungoma Kisii
Busia Nyamira
Siaya Nairobi

The main activities in the Kazi Mtaani program include garbage collection, building pavements and sidewalks, establishing communal gardens, maintaining public sanitary infrastructures, clearing drainages, sweeping streets and fumigation.

Employees are required to work 8 hours a day, from 8 am to 4 pm every day except weekends and public holidays. They also work for 11 days per month. The average wage is Ksh 600 per day.

While the program was discontinued in 2022, it was relaunched recently following the growing unemployment rate of youths in the country. Application for the program will be opened in September and anyone who meets the qualifications can apply. The deadline for application is 29th November 2024. You can apply both physically and online. Here’s a guide on how to apply for Kazi Mtaani.

Application requirements for Kazi Mtaani

  • Kenyan citizen with an ID
  • 18-35 years
  • Resident of the area where the application is made
  • Not under any government subsidy program
  • KCPE & KCSE certificates are not needed but are an advantage
  • Communicate well in either English or Swahili 
  • Valid phone numbers with MPESA (ID number must match MPESA registration details)
  • Must not have a criminal background

Physical application for Kazi Mtaani

Pick an application form from the area Chief’s or County Commissioner’s office, fill it and return it with supporting documents.

Online application for Kazi Mtaani

  • Visit the Kazi Mtaani Management System (KMS) portal and enter the details required ie name, gender, phone number, date of birth, and whether you have a disability then press Next
  • Enter your ID details ie district of birth, serial number and ID number then press Next
  • Enter your location details ie county, sub-county, ward, village/settlement, and residence then press Next
  • Finally, enter your education details ie level of education, skill level and preferred job
  • Accept the terms and conditions then press Submit

You can either check online whether you have been accepted or visit the area Chief’s or County Commissioner’s office.

Note: Keep an eye open on the portal to know when the application process begins