
Unilever commissions Ksh. 500 Million warehouse to serve the East African market

Unilever EA has opened its new warehouse in Nairobi, Kenya which is designed to flexibly handle high-mix, health, and beauty products across East Africa.

Unilever has invested over Kshs 500 million to construct and equip the warehouse. It is equipped with the latest developments in automated storage and retrieval systems and has a greater pallet capacity. This is expected to help the company to store, process, and ship its products in an efficient manner.

The state-of-the-art facility comprises a total surface area of just under 23,000 sqm and was constructed adhering to highest environmental standards.

Unilever Kenya’s Managing Director, Luck Ochieng, had this to say, “With the increasing demand for Unilever’s products in the recent times and limited warehousing capacity in the market, Unilever aims to close the gap between higher demand and shortage of supply through this new facility.”

Unilever’s Head of Supply Chain in Africa; Christian Byron affirmed on the importance of localizing raw and packaging materials in Unilever’s production processes. 70% of raw and packaging materials that Unilever uses for production in the continent are made in Africa which has positive impact on access and affordability of our products.”

“At Unilever, we continue to invest and strengthen our commitment to Kenya with the expansion of our facilities in the country. We strongly believe in the potential of this country and our consumers, and we are fully committed to playing a role in their respective growth stories.” he concludes