Mpesa Foundation hands over a Ksh. 4 Million telemedicine facility at Marigat Catholic Mission Health Centre

One of the problems affecting our population when it comes to healthcare is inadequate doctors, as a response to this Safaricom through their Mpesa Foundation launched the Daktari Smart initiative in 2021. The initiative which is a partnership with Gertrude’s Hospital Foundation utilizes telemedicine so as to enable doctors to reach as many patients as possible.

As part of the initiative, M-PESA Foundation has handed over a telemedicine facility at the Marigat Catholic Mission Health Centre. The telemedicine facility, worth KES 4 million, will enable healthcare workers at the facility to place electronic medical devices such as a stethoscope or vital signs monitor on the patient, with a specialist at Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital in Muthaiga, Nairobi, able to see the patient, interpret the data and provide specialist care in real time.

“We are glad to partner with the County Government of Baringo and Gertrude’s Hospital Foundation, to enhance access to health in the county. This facility adds to the one at Chemolingot Sub-County Hospital, which has already enabled more than 400 people to access highly specialized care since its launch in December 2021,” said Nicholas Ng’ang’a, Chairman, M-PESA Foundation.

Meanwhile, children with disabilities at Marigat Special School will now have access to a conducive learning environment after the M-PESA Foundation handed over a newly constructed and furnished classroom worth KES 1.3 million.

The project is part of the Foundation’s Wezesha Elimu Programme, which is delivered in partnership with Christian Blind Mission (CBM) Kenya and CURE Kenya Hospital. It seeks to empower children with disabilities to access education through provision of corrective surgeries and infrastructure support to schools.

The three-year program seeks to leverage telemedicine to provide specialist care to more than 32,000 children in Baringo, Homa Bay, Lamu and Samburu Counties.