You now risk a jail term of 6 months or a Ksh. 20,000 fine for failing to wear a mask in confined spaces

You now risk risk six months in jail or fines of up to Sh20, 000 for  failing to wear masks in confined spaces such as supermarkets, offices, public service transport, and churches.

This comes after the re-introduction of mandatory wearing of face masks in all indoor meetings as a containment measure to curb the spread of Covid-19 in the country following the recent spike.

Kenya’s positivity rate reached14.5 percent on Saturday which is the highest this year compared to a low of 0.3 percent on March 11 when Kenya relaxed restrictions such as wearing of masks.

Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe said on Monday the return of masks is necessary to slow a wave of infections as Kenya joins the world in ramping up against a new wave of the Coronavirus cases.

He added that, “The mandatory wearing of face mask in open public spaces where one is not in close proximity with one another remains optional. However, one is required to wear a mask when in contact with other people in closed/ confined spaces.”

Under rules gazetted in 2020 at the onset of Covid-19 anyone in Kenya found not wearing a mask in public places faces arrest and six months in jail with an additional penalty of Sh20,000 or both.

“A person who commits an offence under these rules shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or both,” say the rules.

Kenya lifted its Covid-19 restrictions on March 11, including a ban on large indoor gatherings such as religious services and a requirement to present a negative Covid-19 test for arriving air passengers.